Sediment control is an important part of construction work. It aims to stop soils and other sediments from a building site washing into gutters, drains and waterways. But it can also be beneficial to builders and landscapers, ensuring minimal losses from building site stockpiles and improving building site conditions. Good sediment control can also result in fewer public complains and therefore less chance of significant on-the-spot fines from local and state government authorities. A sediment control management plan is required by many local councils before building work begins. Temporary fencing is a key tool in good sediment control and at SBS Fence & Toilet Hire, we have just the solution for you to manage such situations.
The role of temporary fencing in sediment control
Temporary fencing is not only used to secure construction sites but is also a key way to maintain good sediment control. Of course, standard temporary fencing is just made of wire mesh, which does not block the wind or provide any sediment control protection.
However, our temporary fencing with shade cloth will help you effectively manage sediment control and meet government requirements. Temporary fencing with shade cloth should be used on site boundaries around material stockpiles, as well as on areas of site boundaries that receive water run-off. This is usually along the lowest site boundary, with the ends of the fencing needing to return up-slope.
Other ways to maintain good sediment control on site
Temporary fencing is a key part of good sediment control on site, but there are also a few other tips to keep in mind. After storms, it is important to inspect the temporary fencing and remove any sediment build-up. It is also best to avoid building activity that disturbs soil during periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall. Maintaining healthy vegetation on site boundaries can help provide an additional filter for sediment before it reaches stormwater drains. If you need to cut bricks or tiles, it is best to do this over a surface like grass within the property boundary. High-quality tiles are essential for both professional and DIY projects.
Silt bags, sand bags, and silt rocks can also be used in conjunction with temporary fencing with shade cloth to maintain sediment control on site. Given that water can run off under temporary fencing, this is a key way to protect sediment from escaping the site during wet weather.
What temporary fencing sediment control solutions does SBS Fence & Toilet Hire offer?
At SBS Fence & Toilet Hire, we offer temporary fencing hire with shade cloth to meet your sediment control needs. Available in five different colours – green, white, blue, black and beige – the shade cloth provides either 50 per cent or 70 per cent block out. It looks great and can add some privacy on a site and prevent people from looking through, while it also helps minimise dust blowing off the site as a key part of sediment control. Because the shade cloth helps blocks the wind, additional bracing is required to secure the temporary fencing, which we also provide. Contact us today for a quote for your temporary fencing sediment control needs.